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请大家宣传以及支持下面这个项目。这个项目的发起人是今年TED Global Conference的TED Fellow,Joey Ellis。他也是唯一一个来自中国的TED Fellow。他是长期在北京工作的美国艺术家。他的很多项目都有关环境与公民社会。以下是项目的链接和介绍。



http://www.kickstarter.com/proje ... fu-for-coral-health


因为我们关注的这些材料是是冗长的学术性材料,它们用科学方法证明了哪些方案可行而哪些方案不可行。 我们的目标是影响那些有能力改变现状的人。为了达到这个目标,我们需要来自公众和政府等多方的支持。

1. 珊瑚礁如何保护海岸线免遭洋流、海浪和风暴造成的侵蚀。
2. 珊瑚礁如何扩展了陆地和海滩的范围并且积极地维持了海洋生物多样性。
3. 珊瑚礁如何化解海浪和风暴的能量,创造出适合红树林和海草生长的泄湖和沉积环境。
4. 旅游业是全球最大的产业,提供了全球10%的工作岗位。珊瑚礁能在哪些方面推动旅游业的发展。


项目实施地点:中国海南省。想要了解更多信息,请联系我:Me@josephfosterellis.com;Thomas J. Goreau教授:Goreau@bestweb.net
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.

When a billion Chinese jump for coral.....

If a billion Chinese jump.
When a billion Chinese jump for coral.....
As a young dumb kid I once thought "If everyone in China would jump at exactly the same time, it might shake the earth off its axis and kill us all!". Quite a scary thing for a young boy to think of. However I began to think afterwards that maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe I should have thought if everyone in China would do their part in saving the earth then that in the end might just do the opposite. Think of a billion people changing the world for the better (quite amazing idea, right?).
This is why I have started this project because I think there is hope that China won't destroy the environment but in fact save it for all. I have chosen to start with the coral reefs of southeast China and the coastlines of the mainland because they right now are in the worst shape ever and no one is protecting them. The reason for this is the information isn't out there. Documents need to be translated and people need to be made aware.
I want to translate the large international database of coral reef publications into chinese by using graphic design, animation and just plain writing as an instrument for change. Throughout the process I will reconstruct the information into something public friendly that will simplify whats at stake and highlight how to rectify the problem. I will promote awareness but will focus on the SOLUTIONS!
Now I have never used the power of the crowd to fund such a project. However I feel that there is a lot of people out there that feel the same way I do and might just support my efforts. I'm in no way asking for a lot but just asking for that money spent on a coffee each day or that pack of gum you might buy at the gas station. If everyone donated just 5 dollars then I would be more than on my way. 20 dollars and then I would be set and if you donated more...well you would be supporting a better China that might actually change the world for the better.
I have met you all on my journey of becoming an artist in the last few years and can only thank you for inspiring me to grow and think larger. Two years ago I never would have thought that one person could do so much, but now I have seen it before my very own eyes. Help me do just that by sharing my cause with other people and show that one person can do a lot but a whole bunch can do so much more.
All the best,

Please help my KICKSTARTER campaign "Kung-Fu for Coral" by clicking here and donating....not a lot but just a little to do your part.
And if you want to know more of what I have been up to go visit www.josephfosterellis.com
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.

