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SE-MyBnk, Lily Lapenna

本帖最后由 Jasmine 于 2010-5-8 03:35 编辑

官网   http://www.mybnk.org/

2#   MyBnk| Who is Lily Lapenna?
3#  i-genius talks to Lily Lapenna, founder and Managing Director, MyBnk Ltd
4#  Lily Lapenna‘s  Profile
5#   MyBnk - case study

to be continued


How I started my own business
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.


MyBnk| Who is Lily Lapenna?

March 21, 2007 by David McQueen

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Lily Lapenna the founder of MyBnk.
MyBnk is a social enterprise whose aim is toincrease financial literacy and to develop young people’s enterpriseskills by giving them a hands-on experience of organizing, running andusing a real bank with real money.
How does it work: MyBnk will set up ‘MyBnk Branches’ also known as‘MyBnk-in-a-Box’ in secondary schools and in youth organisations thatwill provide a convenient place for young people and clubs to save andtake out loans. Cooperative and individual savings will be encouraged.Young people can put their good ideas into practise by taking out small(interest free) loans that can be used towards the development of newenterprises.
I love Lily’s passion. MyBnk is an amazing set of programmes thathave been put in place, and I am looking forward to see how thisproject develops organically. I look forward to working in partnershipwith her and introducing others in my network to this very talented andwonderful woman and social entrepreneur.
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.



i-genius talks to Lily Lapenna, founder and Managing Director, MyBnk Ltd

Editor: Did you cry when you heard your name announced as the winner of the New Statesman young social entrepreneur of the year for 2008?
Lily: Hehehe, no but I felt quite nervous and then when I heard my name I just went blank. I was never the award winning type at school so it was like, now I know what it felt like for such and such who got awards! I now tell this story to the young people we work with in schools and they like to hear it, it makes them think they may get an award too one day. I think there should be more awards one for everyone at least once in a lifetime.

Editor: Why do you think you won?
Lily: Hmmm, I don't know.

Editor: Tell us about Mybnk? Is it a real bank?
Lily: MyBnk is as real a bank as need be. It is an innovative youth led banking scheme that offers a savings service and a loans service. Loans are only to be used for setting up enterprising activities. It is a tool that gives young people the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their money effectively and to make enterprising choices in their lives.

Editor: What are your future plans?
Lily: I want MyBnk to generate a global movement of youth banking. For young people to make financial services work for them rather than against them. For them to be the first generation of informed consumers of banks who consider ethical banking when shopping for a bank that suits their needs.

Editor: You are an Italian woman living in London. Have you ever thought of setting up MyBank in Rome?
Lily: Of course, I would love to, even though getting young people running their own banks in a gerontocracy will be quite a challenge. MyBnk is exactly what Italian society needs to empower young people who are so disillusioned with unemployment and lack of opportunities.
I am saddened by the lack of youth motivation, activism and involvement, which seems to get worst every time I go home. They are becoming voiceless.

Editor: Do you think Italy will produce many more social entrepreneurs in the future?
Lily: Sure against all odds, the social entrepreneurs will emerge, always. I hope the government and civil society start creating stronger foundations to support social entrepreneurs.

Editor: Thank you Lily!
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.



Lily Lapenna‘s  Profile

Lily Lapenna
Lily Lapenna

Founder and CEO MyBnk

London, United Kingdom

    * Contact Lily Lapenna
    * Add Lily Lapenna to your network


        * Founder and CEO at MyBnk


        * School of Oriental and African Studies, U. of London

    Lily has 8 recommendations 8 people have recommended Lily
    198 connections
    Non-Profit Organization Management

        * My Company
        * My Company

Lily Lapenna’s Experience

      Founder and CEO

      (Non-Profit; Primary/Secondary Education industry)

      July 2006 — Present (3 years 11 months)

      Lily Lapenna is the founder and Managing Director of MyBnk. Lily started her career in international development, focusing on empowerment of young people through non-formal education.
      In Bangladesh, she became aware of the positive impact of micro-finance and saving services. Enthused by what she had seen, Lily created the first ever FSA friendly youth led banking scheme called run by young people for young people, allowing them to save regularly and take out interest free loans to set up enterprising activities. Through this banking scheme and accompanying workshops, young people build the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their money effectively and to make enterprising choices throughout their lives. Lily has taken MyBnk from a single pilot project to an organisation reaching 10,000 young people in the space of 2 years. Lily was recently awarded the young social entrepreneur of the year by Ed Balls the UK Secretary of State for Children, schools and families. In January 2010 she was awarded the Ashoka fellowship.

Lily Lapenna’s Education

      School of Oriental and African Studies, U. of London

      African and Development studies ,

      Won the Erasmus scholarship to study at The Istituto Orientale in Naples for my second year at university.

      Activities and Societies:
          Drama, Friends of Africa, Latin American Bureau

Additional Information
Lily Lapenna’s Websites:

    * My Company
    * My Company

Lily Lapenna’s Interests:

social change, poverty alleviation, peer education, financial & enterprise education, public speaking, dancing, the sea....the sea again
Lily Lapenna’s Groups:

Director of FoodCycle, Trustee of CIVA (Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action), weekly volunteer for HIV charity Body and Soul, Advisor to The Oliver branch for Children in Tanzania.
Lily Lapenna’s Honors:

Ashoka Felllow
Young social entrepreneur of the year
Top 100 ethical entrepreneurs
UnLtd level 1 and 2
My niece Mimi says I am her number 1 aunty!
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.


本帖最后由 Jasmine 于 2010-5-8 03:23 编辑

MyBnk - case study

Lily Lapenna, founder of MyBnk, shares her experiences of setting up a social enterprise.

MyBnk logoThe idea for MyBnk started when I was at school. I was disillusioned with the overly theoretical nature of learning and frustrated at having so many ideas and so little I could do with them.

As I grew up, I started to study and work in international development in amazing places like Zimbabwe and Bangladesh. I realised that microfinance is a ladder to self-sufficiency for the poor. In essence, microfinance is about unleashing enterprising ideas. During this time, my idea for myBnk was budding.

Coming back to the UK, I found that many people my age were facing spiralling debt; the majority of adults were financially illiterate (myself included of course); more people in the country were getting a divorce than changing banks; and a staggering 150,000 young people were growing up believing that an ISA is an iPod accessory! At this point it all started to make sense to me. The need for MyBnk was evident and my ideas were increasingly untameable. That's when I met the dazzling Michael Norton, author of 365 Ways to Change the World.
Getting started

A few inspiring conversations later, MyBnk began. The seed I planted almost two years ago has grown into an exciting award-winning social enterprise. MyBnk has created the first ever FSA-friendly, youth-led banking scheme run by young people for young people. It allows young people to save and take out interest-free loans to set up enterprising activities. This is accompanied by high-powered assemblies, workshops and projects on ethical banking, money management and ideas generation.

Our innovative educational services are designed to increase young people's financial and enterprise capabilities, as defined by the Department for Children Schools and Families. MyBnk works in secondary schools, colleges and youth groups.

In the first year of running MyBnk I did a lot of work in my sleep. MyBnk would find its way into every one of my dreams. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing esoteric or unworldly about these dreams! On the contrary – they were ridden with detail, process-led and rather bureaucratic, so it was business as usual! I do however remember having two wholly creative dreams that led to vast innovation.
Two years later

I am now approaching year two of running MyBnk. The team has grown to seven people and we have worked with more than 2100 young people. Whilst it is now a rare treat to dream of MyBnk (thank goodness!), on my tube journey to work I know that together with the team and the young people involved in our projects, everyday I will learn something new and more importantly do something with it. It's a joy!

This article was originally published as part of a CASS CCE newsletter.
Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.


很全的资料呢~ 赞一个~ O(∩_∩)O~



          作者:英国驻华使领馆文化教育处    来源:    时间:2011-12-19



英国社会企业“我的银行(MyBnk)”是由莉莉 拉帕纳(Lily Lapenna)和她的伙伴于2007年创立的,旨在提供以青年的需求为中心的、实用的金融教育,帮助他们掌握应对这一复杂的、充满挑战的金融世界所必备的技能,从而建立信心,有效地管理个人财务;同时,具备必要的金融知识也可以成为发挥潜能、实现创业的平台或跳板。这种思想和创意贯穿“我的银行”的各项工作中,使得“我的银行”和那些更注重传授有关利率和偿还贷款等学术性内容的组织区别开。这也意味着“我的银行”提供的充满活力、独特的学习体验,不仅可以帮助青年人掌握实用的金融知识和技能,还提供了改变其人生的可能性。

n  需求和理念:



“我的银行”是由莉莉 拉帕纳(Lily Lapenna)创立的。莉莉•拉帕纳拥有在非洲和亚洲参与国际发展工作的经历。在与青年人一起工作时,特别是在孟加拉国工作时,她认识到了“微金融”的力量,也认识到小额金融扶助对人的技能和信心所产生的巨大影响,及其与增强人们的能力、发挥潜能之间的关系。她从根本上认识到金融可以成为非常强大的教育工具。

回到伦敦之后,莉莉开始学以致用。她创办了一个项目,把金融服务作为实用的学习工具,加深人们对金融的理解,培养人们的责任感,进而为他们提供更多的机会。该项目的一个核心理念是:金融教育可以帮助人们释放和实现企业家精神的潜质,从而把金融知识和创业联系起来。莉莉与迈克 诺顿(Michael Norton)(一位经验丰富的活动家和社会企业家)一起创办了“我的银行”,以期实现上述目标。2007年,一群年轻人在陶尔哈姆莱茨(Tower Hamlets)成立了“我的银行”第一家分支机构。

n  项目实施:



“我的银行”坚持创新,开发新的产品,其中包括“盒中企业”项目。该项目为青年人提供创业或成立社会企业所需的工具和支持。”我的银行”近来的发展还包括成立了网上银行系统、Uni Dosh工作坊(针对即将上大学的青少年)和Money Twist(针对九岁以上的青少年学生)。

总体而言,“我的银行”希望通过银行业务计划吸引青年人的参与,鼓励他们学习有关金融的知识,把储蓄和贷款联系起来,向他们传授重要的金融概念,并对创业行为进行激励,提高他们的创业能力。由此看来,该项目的意义就不只是静态的金融教育,而是帮助年轻人发现自我、增强信心和培养创业精神。这也反映在“青年咨询小组”(Youth Advisory Panel)的活动中。该咨询小组早在2007年“我的银行”创立之初就已经成立,现在仍是组织结构和工作的核心,确保组织始终反映、代表青年人的观点。

n  影响:




n  经验:




正如负责扩大“我的银行”规模的梅拉尼 罗宾逊(Melanie Robinson)所言:



n  结语:






Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.

